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Turkey and Energy Sources of Kurdistan

Ayoub Barzani   15.12.2014

Many energy pipeline projects pass through Turkey, making Turkey an important an important business corridor between East and West. Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Iraq, Russia and others countries seek to pump energy sources to Europe through Turkey. So all of these countries work with Turkey as equal partners and develop mutual economic interests and trade bases on international norms. However, we notice that Turkey deals with Kurdistan Region on basis of personal relationships, taking advantage of personal relationships with the ruling family and achieving lucrative economic gains, while transferring Kurdistan’s gain to a Turkish bank account, which was sarcastically described as “secure hands”. This kind of dealing gives Turkey much leverage to steer the policy of the Erbil Administration, characterized by delivering service to Turkish agendas in the Middle East. So we determine that family rule fails even as an “energy seller”.

Three major developments occurred during the summer of 2014 in Kurdistan deserve as a rehash:

Ayoub Barzani   07.12.2014

1- The President of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (PDK) and Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), claimed determination for declaring an Independent Kurdistan. It did not take place.

2- The second event is military setback of the KRG when peshmerges collapsed against the ISIS attack on Kurdistan region to invade Shingal and surrounding areas.  The peshmerge force lead by Kleptocratic ruling family members showed no stomach for resistance.

3- The third development is financial. The inability of the KRG to deliver salaries to its servants and peshmerges for months shows KRG’s lack of financial planning to secure salaries for its citizens in case of emergencies.

All of these incidents are coupled with the rising influence and modern organization of PYD in Rojava who are self-reliant despite regional blockades.